Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Poring Hat!

Annie came back to Upland to spend Thanksgiving with her parents so we decided to hang out today since we hardly ever get to do so. We went to Phebie's Needlearts and I discovered the bargin bin! That's where the two seafoam colors come from. I'm deciding that I want to make a second Branching Out.

AND she brought me a birthday present! Yarn! The two small purple balls of rabbit ANGORA (*squee!*) and the boucle yarn! Its telling me to make it into something, but I have no idea what. (yet!)

Then, the two arcylic rolls I bought at Micheal's because the colors are perfect for the PoA Ravenclaw scarf that I want to knit. Its nice acrylic too! soft!

We also went to the Goodwill store and scoured it for froggable sweaters. Annie was actually there to buy clothes too, but not me. I was on a mission! I returned with two sweaters, one coat and one tank top. It was my first time frogging something and it was kind of a knotty nightmare. but I got through it! This is the yarn I got from the tank top, not too bad. Im thinking about making it into a bag, but I'd probably have to work on REALLY small needles. hrm... *back to brainstorming*

I made a poring hat! I didn't follow a pattern or anything. I just made a plain pink beanie top down and just duplicate stitched the eyes and blush. A poring is an adorable cute pink blob monster in the game Ragnarok Online There's an item in that game where youre wearing a poring on your head! Very cute!

Monday, November 14, 2005

New Yarn and FOs!

I was greeted at the front door with two packages. Hurray for yarn! I went to a Jo Anns that I didnt know was in the area. Oh my goodness that place look like a tornado tore through it. I bought a super cute measuring tape sheep.
I also bought some stuffing and supplies (yarn needle and stitch markers)

Aaand, the moment you've been waiting for! Mittens and Socks! I made the mittens with wool I got from ebay, the colors on the listing was Sonoma, but I like calling it Dusky Rainbow. The socks are from Paton's sock yarn that I bought ages ago. I hope I'll make lots more socks. The first one came out a little loose, but the second one was tighter. The same number of cast on stitches, but with the more experience of knitting dpns, it turned out much better the second time around.

First Pairs - Socks and Mittenettes!

I feel ultraproductive today =)

I finished my mittenettes with the new yarn I got from ebay AND...

I finished the other sock! Yay! I have a pair of mittens and a pair of socks now!

Pictures tomorrow!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Tangly Disaster!

I got my yarn today! Also the yarn I won on Ebay! Very exciting day =)

I managed to wind two of the three hanks into balls, but this last one. Oh my, a big tangly mess. I guess I'm not skilled enough >_<

Right now, BF and a friend of his with awesome tangle solving skills are trying to get it figured out.

I think I'm gonna ask for a ball winder for my birthday now =x

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Pictures of WiPs and FOs!

My pride and joy! First sock! I'm working on the second one right now. Just cast on and did a few rows.

Here's my ongoing and arduous project, Branching Out for my mom done in Paton's Lacette. I just love the color!

Here's another FO! I call it the Frankie scarf because he said he wanted blue and green and this is what I made for him. Unfortunately, I wanna keep it now! I'll give it to him, eventually ;)

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Not a sock virgin anymore!

I finally got down and dirty and did it!

I mean, make a sock! (not that other thing, tsk tsk)

Knitted the cuff, leg, turned the heel, shaped the gusset, decreased it, knitted the foot, decreased the toes and bound off! Woohoo! One sock in one day!

Granted, I didnt get anything else done, but I dont care. It was nice sitting in my chair for 6 hours or so listening to and knitting.

I have to admit, it looks like a sock from the 80s and is a tad too big. Its totally wearable though! I told my BF about it and he told me not to think so much about how it lacks but to just enjoy my little success.

Branching Out is progressing. I made a pact with myself to at least do one repeat every day. If each repeat is about 2 inches and the whole scarf is going to be about 60 inches, I can finish in 30 days! (which is well before Christmas so it gives me time to ship.)

Last night, was talking on the phone with the BF (who's in Seattle! so far away) and I mentioned an auction of Ebay of this gorgeous yarn (orange yellow pink worsted weight wool, yum!) It was cheap, at least to me but I had bought so much yarn recently I was thinking about passing up on it. He told me that he'd pay for it! So I woke up around 8:30 this morning to bid on it. And won!

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So now I have three ebay yarns coming my way. Tiger's eye, Sonoma, and now Candy (I call it that cuz that's what it reminds me of, so sweet!)

THEN, I go further into my yarn binge, but I promise, I HAD to do this!

Apart from the Branching Out for my mom, I plan to knit something for both my grandmas. What better choice than Elizabeth I! So yeah, I bought the pattern from and two hanks of Alpaca Cloud (in Autumn and Moss) I've never knit in something that luxurious. So far, I've only knit with wool and acrylic so I'm really looking forward to it.

*happy sigh!* so many things to do! I can't wait!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

dpn runaround

I'm definitely gonna learn how to knit socks. has a trainer sock which is basically a small sock with all the sock-ish requirements (gusset, heel and so on)

The pattern is with worsted wt yarn which I have plenty of, but I dont have size 7 dpns! I figured since I'll need size 7 dpns for my fingerless mitts, I might as well buy them.

Two Micheals and One Jo-Ann later, I find them. yeesh.

New Ebay Yarn!

I won two auctions today! First time getting yarn on Ebay, I hope I won't be disappointed.

One is a brown/yellow combination called Tiger's Eye. I really like it, though the picture on the auction looks bad. It's bulky weight. I'm planning to make a scarf or hat out of it. I'm still looking for the bright springy flowerful colored varigated yarn to make into "My-so-called Scarf"

The other is called Sonoma, although I dont think that describes the colors. Then again, I'm not even sure what the colors Sonoma would be. Either way, I liked it, I bought it! Worsted weight. I'm thinking wristwarmers and complementary hat!

I think sometime I should write down all the projects I want to make.

Hey! how about right now, since I have a few minutes before I have to jet off to class.

-Earthy colored bulky weight scarf in ________ pattern (help!)
- Lacey and not fuzzy scarf/shawl in emerald for my grandma! (gota find a pattern =/)
I have two grandmas! What should I make for the other? hmmm...
-Wristwarmers with something for the thumb. Need to buy dpns
-Socks to use the Paton's Kroy Sock yarn! Eep! I wanna find a easier dummy-er sock pattern.
-Cabled Hat to match Sam's Irish Hiking Scarf. Gota find that left over yarn.
-The turtleneck shurg from Scarf Style. Need to buy that book. *puts it on birthday wishlist*
-a BIG project, like a sweater, or a cardigan, or a pullover, or tank top!

Sooo much more! I need to make a list and get working!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Hello World!

Just going to introduce myself =) My name is Carolyn. I'm 20 years old right now (gonna be 21 soon!) Currently, I'm trying to get my bachelor's degree in business >_<

I started knitting about a year ago. Since it's almost winter time, I'm starting again! Right now I'm working on Branching Out from I failed four times before I could get it going correctly. Hopefully, I can get a few more repeats done today and have something that looks substantial.