Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Poring Hat!

Annie came back to Upland to spend Thanksgiving with her parents so we decided to hang out today since we hardly ever get to do so. We went to Phebie's Needlearts and I discovered the bargin bin! That's where the two seafoam colors come from. I'm deciding that I want to make a second Branching Out.

AND she brought me a birthday present! Yarn! The two small purple balls of rabbit ANGORA (*squee!*) and the boucle yarn! Its telling me to make it into something, but I have no idea what. (yet!)

Then, the two arcylic rolls I bought at Micheal's because the colors are perfect for the PoA Ravenclaw scarf that I want to knit. Its nice acrylic too! soft!

We also went to the Goodwill store and scoured it for froggable sweaters. Annie was actually there to buy clothes too, but not me. I was on a mission! I returned with two sweaters, one coat and one tank top. It was my first time frogging something and it was kind of a knotty nightmare. but I got through it! This is the yarn I got from the tank top, not too bad. Im thinking about making it into a bag, but I'd probably have to work on REALLY small needles. hrm... *back to brainstorming*

I made a poring hat! I didn't follow a pattern or anything. I just made a plain pink beanie top down and just duplicate stitched the eyes and blush. A poring is an adorable cute pink blob monster in the game Ragnarok Online There's an item in that game where youre wearing a poring on your head! Very cute!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's awesomely cute :3 I'll attempt to make one =D

6:28 PM  

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